The Law of Attraction


The core concept of the Law of Attraction is that, “thoughts become things.” Thus, intentionally or unintentionally, you are brining into your life the things you think about the most. If you continually think

The Law of Attraction2024-06-17T14:43:52-05:00

Relapse Triggers


RELAPSE TRIGGERS Money Here's an interesting fact I've heard: Regardless of what day of the week a person emerges from jail, his most likely day of relapse is the Friday following release. It's probably

Relapse Triggers2024-06-17T14:44:18-05:00

DBT Radical Acceptance Skill


Eckhart Tolle when asked about what is it that people need to do to be peaceful, he replied by saying that we need to “Accept what is”. Let’s look into what this accepting is

DBT Radical Acceptance Skill2024-06-17T14:45:26-05:00

Auto Pilot: Awareness and DBT


DBT and Awarness As you sit here and read this article, what else are you thinking about?  Dinner plans?  To do list?  Worrying over finances?   Relationships?  We all do it.  We are sitting present,

Auto Pilot: Awareness and DBT2024-06-17T14:45:05-05:00

Mindfulness and DBT


In recent years, the term 'mindfulness' has sprung up in business, spiritual and mental health practices. Very rarely does a concept run into all three aspects mentioned. What should this say to you the

Mindfulness and DBT2024-06-17T14:45:51-05:00

Eating Your Way To Alzheimer’s: The Brain, Gluten and Sugar


Worried about brain health? Your diet may hold the key! Around 4.5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer disease. One in every eight person above the age of 65 suffers from Alzheimer. Yet recent breakthrough

Eating Your Way To Alzheimer’s: The Brain, Gluten and Sugar2024-06-17T14:46:16-05:00

Mood and Food


Staying healthy through regular exercise and eating the right foods can improve your mood and the quality of your sleep. Sleep and mood are closely connected; poor or inadequate sleep can cause irritability and

Mood and Food2024-06-17T14:46:38-05:00

Treating Eating Disorders with DBT


Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are susceptible to eating disorders. These disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, food addiction, and sugar addiction. Individuals with a predisposition to eating disorders show some of the

Treating Eating Disorders with DBT2024-06-17T14:46:59-05:00

DBT and Identity


We are all human, that we agree upon but is there something more to us than the muscle and bones. We have a mind, the entity which does all the thinking and feels the

DBT and Identity2024-06-17T14:47:29-05:00

Finding Yourself: DBT and Identity


Are you living in peace, love, with a personal sense of clarity and Identity? If the answer is no, good news - the Meehl foundation is here to offer help through the lenses of DBT

Finding Yourself: DBT and Identity2024-06-17T14:47:53-05:00
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