BPD Recovery

How can someone recover from such an overwhelming and exhausting condition known as borderline personality disorder (BPD)? Although the condition of BPD varies in how it affects each individual person, many individuals are able to manage their symptoms from this condition through the continued use of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and practicing DBT skills. BPD Recovery is possible.  Yes, total recovery!
As some already know BPD is usually caused by a traumatic experience including, but not limited to physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse or witnessing of these situations. As well, a lack of affection, love and bonding in childhood can also lead to increased susceptibility of developing BPD or other personality disorders. Another factor of the BPD development is the temperament a person is born into and life experiences of the individual up until the development of the disorder and after the development. A certain combining of these factors can ultimately lead to development of the borderline personality disorder.
The BPD individual at some point is able to manage or hide their symptoms, but eventually their life will become unmanageable and out of control. The BPD person battles a constant rush of intense negative emotions, negative/ irrational thoughts, and over-reactive behaviors based from the emotions and thoughts. If left untreated the individual will most likely remain in a constant state of pain, turmoil, and chaos.
The Meehl House 90 day residential BPD Recovery treatment program uses dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) to target, treat, and manage the symptoms of borderline personality disorder. DBT uses the areas of core mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness to manage symptoms. These skill sets are used to treat the symptoms of irrational thoughts and beliefs, intense negative emotions, out of control behaviors, chronic feelings of emptiness, unstable self-image, fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, suicidal ideation, self-injury, eating disorders, anxiety, intense anger, substance abuse, impulsive behavior and dissociative symptoms.
The other concept that underlies the treatment program at the Meehl Foundation is the acknowledgement that many individuals struggle with automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) that lead to irrational beliefs. The person with BPD then feels intense negative emotions and if they are unable to cope this can lead to erratic behavior. So if we can we can change our thoughts, then we can change our beliefs, which in turn will change our behaviors and change our lives.
The Meehl Foundation Intensively Trained  Dialectical Behavioral Therapy treatment program takes a very interactive approach at treating the individual with borderline personality disorder. The individual is taught to manage the symptoms of their disorder by the practice of core mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness DBT skills. The individual with the use of the skills is fully capable of leading an effective, joyous, and rewarding life.