One common thing about Dandelion, Nettles, Vervain, and Hyssop is their healing powers. Due to their predominant bitterness, they can be boiled or soaked in water for some days and consume to clean the body of impurities and toxins.
This is a staple plant that blossoms especially in the springtime. It is also characterized by its bright yellow flower. It originated from Europe and Asia and it is a very hardy plant that is named after the shape of its foliage which resembles the teeth of a lion. Most parts of the Dandelion, including the roots, seeds, leaves can be used for their therapeutic and healing effects. Dandelion is highly nutritious because it is loaded with essential vitamins, fiber, and minerals. It is also believed to be rich in antioxidants. It can help combat inflammation, it reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, it promotes healthy liver and it is also good for blood pressure management.

This is an herbaceous plant recognizable by its stinging hair and jagged leaves. Nettles are mostly used for their leaves and roots that contain lots of nutrients. Ancient Egyptians prepare some concoctions from Nettle leaves to cure arthritis and back pain. Today, researchers have discovered the potential of nettles for treating inflammation, prostate problems in men, hay fever and high blood pressure treatments.
Vervain- The magical plant
It is believed that vervain is most magical when it is harvested after sunset. It is an herbaceous plant characterized by its narrow and oval-shaped, toothed leaves. The flowers can be blue or purple in colored and sometimes pink and white depending on where it is grown. It was on historical records that vervain herbs were applied to the wounds of Christ on the cross, and mythically, the plant is associated with the planet Jupiter, and the god- Thor. In the medieval ages, vervain plants were known to repel snake and insect bites and were also used in repelling magical spells. Today, Vervain is prepared into tea and consumed to ease symptoms of insomnia, calm the nerves and induce internal healing.

This is one of the oldest evergreen garden herb natives to the middle east, southern Europe and region of the Caspian Sea. It is regarded as a natural antiseptic, expectorant and reliever for cough and cold conditions. Hyssop has remained one of the oldest herbal medicines for centuries. It is characterized by a sweet sense and a warm bitter taste. It is a perennial shrub with thorny flowers, mostly found in the wild and deserts. Though hyssop is mostly used for culinary purposes, it can also be made into concoctions for the treatment of certain infections such as an ulcer.
One common characteristic of these medicinal trees and plants is that they help strengthen the immune system against certain infections. They are anti-inflammatory and they have lots of healing powers that are worth exploring. Due to their high potentcies, these herbal plants must be taken with caution, perhaps you will need some recommendations before you prepare them at home.

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