Discover the Healing Wisdom of Plant Medicine...

Used for centuries by Amazonian shamans and Indo-European Shamans to restore balance to the body, mind, and soul, Plant Medicines  and sacred sacrements are powerful healing allies for anyone looking to detox their life, heal their body, and restore their soul. Whether you’re seeking to heal addiction, physical dis-ease, mental illness, or emotional wounds, the ancient spirits of these sacred medicines welcome you with open arms and an invitation to step boldly onto the path of healing with a warrior’s courage and a shaman’s wisdom.


During this intensive 3-day retreat, you will receive the opportunity to diet with a variety of healing plant allies and form a spiritual relationship with the spirits of the medicines that will last for  the rest of your life. You may elect to sit with with all of these medicines, or only choose those your spirit feels called to. Either way, the experiences you receive, the healing you undertake, and the relationships you build are sure to be a life-altering event that is not to be missed. 

We have a sliding-scale fee for Veterans and Trauma Survivors as a non-profit 501c3 entheogenic Church (yes some will attend for free). You can reschedule at any time should something happen and you can not attend on the date you have chosen. A 1040 tax form or a disability letter must be submitted to be considered for a scholarship

All retreats listed are in Washington State unless noted otherwise.

Jan 10 - 12 (Full Moon)
Jan 31 - Feb 2 (Imbolc)

February 14-16 ( Registration CLOSED) 

March 14-16 ( Full Moon)

March 28-30 (NEW Moon)

April 11-13  (Full Moon)

April 25-27 (New Moon)

May 13-15 (Full Moon)


If you need a private ceremony or need us to travel to you for a family event contact us directly at 979.248.0840....and we can make  that happen!


To schedule a private ceremony, host a private ceremony at your location, or request a private ceremony in your area, please contact Deb directly at: or call 979.248.0840

Plant Medicine/Sacred Sacrement

For centuries, the shamans of the Amazon and Endo-European continent  have understood and partnered with these sacred plant medicines for healing, purification, stamina, strength and clarity, as well as to invite spiritual revelation and divine energy into their lives.

At the Meehl foundation, we conduct every retreat in the light of this old wisdom, guided by the elders of ancient tribes who have been practicing these rituals and preparing psilocybin medicines for centuries. More importantly, we do not IMPOSE anything at Meehl Foundation. You can choose your healing path and do as little or as much as you feel comfortable doing. This way, we empower you and give you control of not only your healing journey but yourself as well.

Upon reaching the Meehl Foundation Spiritual retreat Center situated at Springdale, Washington, USA, you’ll find yourself surrounded by nature and wildlife. The center is sprawled across 45 acres with a plethora of wild plant medicines for you to explore. Everything will be done with extreme caution and under the supervision of a certified practitioner. The plants that the medicines are obtained from for your ethereal experience include:


Kambo is a traditional healing ritual that calls on the medicine of giant monkey tree frog to induce a multi-level purification process that returns you to a balanced, natural equilibrium by detoxifying and rebooting the immune system, releasing stagnant emotions, and eradicating negative energy held within your body.


Cacao is a loving and gentle plant medicine that unites you with the heart of Mother Earth; opening your heart chakra and elevating your creative consciousness with a feeling of expansive and euphoric connection.

Niños Santos

Los Niños are a wild-growing fungus native to all of the Americas, with potent curative properties for the mind, body, and spirit. When taken medicinally, Los Niños induce a deeply introspective healing process that effects every level of your being.

Yopo & Hapè

Hapè is a medicinal snuff used widely in the amazon for a range of physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Yopo is a specific type of Hapè that is particularly powerful when taken in ceremony.

You will have the opportunity to meet a variety of Hapès during your retreat according to your spiritual needs and calling, including Yopo should you choose.


Sananga is a unique and powerful healing ally that is applied as eye drops. Shaman's in the amazon insist that Sanaga will heal any and all ocular disorders, as well as increase night-vision, cleanse negative energy, increase good luck, and awaken a person's spiritual insight and vision.

At The Meehl Foundation, present you with a variety of options that you can choose from according to your needs, preferences, and level of comfort. Most people come specifically to participate in a psilocybin ceremony/sacred sacrement during which you experience a 5-hour mushroom journey. Including curated activities that help integrate the experience and reconnect with your spiritual self; such as drumming, dancing, and different ancient rituals. All of this is done under the supervision of an experienced shaman in a modern, comfortable environment. However, there are many other activities included in each retreat.

To prepare, you may choose to be a part of the Cacao ceremony. During this, cacao beans are crushed and mixed with water, cacao butter, and a unique mixture of herbs and botanicals to enhance the effects of the other sacrements, ceremonies, and activities you may choose to partake. The cacao ceremony include intention setting activities and a fire bowl ceremony for release as a means to condition, expand, and prepare your mind, body, heart, and soul for the upcoming healing journey. Afterward, you  are guided through integration activities to ground and center your intentions, as well as integrate your experiences... which you may choose to have in quiet and peace or to the rhythm of soulful music and connective sharing circles.


What to Expect? 

It's important to keep in mind that the experiences you have during the retreat are specific to you only; tailored specifically to meet your emotional, physical, and mental needs at the time. Consequently, if you decide to attend another ceremony afterward, you should expect each experience to be unique.

However, commonly reported experiences include shivers, sweating, nausea, the release of negative energy and emotional trauma, deep healing, intense dreams, spiritual insights, visions, etc.



To schedule a private ceremony, host a private ceremony at your location, or request a private ceremony in your area, please contact Deb directly at:


Our programs are inclusive. People of every age (over 21), race, religion, identity, and orientation can become a part of our retreats and embark on their journey of spiritual transformation.

In addition to Plant Medicine/Sacred Sacrament we offer a wide range of activities to choose from according to your emotional and spiritual needs and level of comfort, from Kambo to shamanic soul retrieval. Which we have described in detail below:




Kambo itself is both a medicine and a ritual to call on the healing power of the naturally produced secretions that are obtained from giant monkey tree frogs. This medicine is a waxy substance, a protective layer secreted by the frog. You should know that we deeply respect the animal that provides us with the substance. During the process, these frogs are captured humanely from the surroundings, the wax is gently scraped from their legs and they are released back into the wild after that.

The most important aspect that makes this medicine unique of all, is that it is considered a live medicine because it is obtained from a living creature without harming it, instead of dead drugs that we are often prescribed to take. This fact makes it the perfect one for spiritual ailments since it is the life force moving through the frog that guides us on our journey of healing and connects us to ancient wisdom.

What To Expect 

Before getting to know what you get at the end of Kambo, you should be aware of how the process is done.

Kambo is a strong purgative that acts on the lymphatic system to create systemic clearing. For it to safely take affect however, it is applied on top of superficial burns that are made by searing the uppermost layer of the skin so that wax can be absorbed directly into the lymphatic system. It then travels to your heart and crosses the blood-brain barrier. This triggers a chain of chemical reactions in the body and as a result, what you experience is specific to your body systems and internal needs.

During Kambo, most people report feeling intense warmth, profuse sweating, increased heartbeat, cramps, or body pain, and sometimes mild swelling as well. With all this, comes nausea that it slowly builds, leading you to the final feeling of purge, and the ceremony ends.

But it doesn’t end as the ceremony concludes. Even several hours after experiencing Kambo, you can have heightened awareness, with a general feeling of well-being and a deeper connection with your inner self. It reboots your body mechanism in the long run, ridding you of negative emotions and bad luck.... Kambo is an OPTION it is NOT required.  




This is an intense, medicine free journey during which you will get to experience a variety of mystical activities and embark on a guided, well-arranged healing journey under the supervision of a certified practitioner. This is specifically for you if you find yourself attracted to ancient ceremonial activities and are fed up with modern-day medicinal practices. This is ADDED to all 3-day retreats

While western medical practitioners focus on healing symptoms rather than the core problem, during soul-retrieval we focus on helping you to find your missing pieces, put them together and work on a deeper level to heal your soul.


What to Expect 

Different people experience the aftereffects of the soul-retrieval process differently. However, it's common to go through feelings and encounter things that you might not understand as the parts of your soul rejoin you. While your body integrates those parts and gets acquainted with newly acquired energy, you can have flashbacks from past experiences and recall memories that can be pleasant or unpleasant.

But these signs are not just mental or emotional you can sometimes feel physical signs as well such as you may experience mild flu or aches. Nausea has also been reported but there is nothing to worry about in all that. It goes on until the integration process completes and as soon as it does, these signs stop immediately and you’ll find yourself plunged into a deep feeling of peace and will be able to think freely without your trauma and negative experiences burdening you.

As you go through all these changes after soul retrieval, it's crucial that you give your body and mind to integrate those changes. For this purpose, you are suggested to take some time off your work to relax and practice calming exercises; such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Additional activities we organize during these retreats are drumming, medicine bag making, various exercises, healing sessions, spirit guides, dancing, music, and much more that will cleanse your mind and body completely and completely transform your way of perceiving the world around you.

To summarize it all, even though these ceremonies have been oppressed, frowned upon, considered unsafe, or even outlawed in the past, more and more people are turning towards finding natural remedies for physical problems and emotional issues. Recent, modern research has also finally started supporting the use of these medicines obtained from nature and encouraging people now to return to treatments obtained from ancient wisdom.

Register now to secure your place!

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To schedule a private ceremony, host a private ceremony at your location, or request a private ceremony in your area, please contact Deb directly at:

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is it?

The Meehl Foundation Spiritual Retreat Center

Springdale, Washington, USA

Nestled in the verdant heart of the Pacific Northwest, The Meehl Foundation Spiritual Retreat Center comprises 45 sprawling acres seated on a vortex of intense healing energy.  The campgrounds are safe and secure, with plenty of sleeping accommodations, comfortable indoor and outdoor meeting spaces, and a host of beautifully natural scenic areas to rest and feed your soul. The grounds feature two small hiking trails, an elevated ridgeline, a natural creek, and a pond... all brimming with native wildlife, including a plethora of medicinal plants waiting to be discovered for your wild-crafting pleasure.

In addition, we're proud to feature a secluded outdoor hot tub and shower, as well as several fire pits, and a gaelic-style earthen sweat lodge. A cabin that sleeps 8, private couples Dome and a completely separate bath house with flushing toilet and full shower with continuous HOT water.    Indoor sauna and hot tub coming in 2025.  Below is what spring is like on 45 acres

Is it safe?

The short answer: Yes.

The long answer: These plants are very powerful spiritual sacramental medicine, and as such must be administered under the direct supervision of a trained practitioner and applied properly in accordance with ancient traditions. These traditions have evolved over hundreds of years and have proven in that time to be both safe and effective. This is why we use them.

Are there any contraindications? Who can attend?

Plant Medicine/sacrament is generally safe. However, those with serious heart conditions, who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or currently taking prescription medication are encouraged to contact their doctor and discuss their personal health concerns.  Certain SSIR's will prevent any experience with most entheogens, secondarily it is a good idea to let   us know prior to the ceremony what your doctors' directions are. Sacred ceremony is best experienced with clients over the age of 25 that are committed to their personal healing

For examples of possible contraindications and considerations, please see our Kambo INTAKE FORM . ♥

What should I expect?

Every person's experience is different... every time. No matter how many times you sit in ceremony, each individual experience is entirely unique. Your experience with the medicine will unique to you and your current needs, and will be entirely distinct from any experience before or after.
However, common experiences include: physical sensations like heat, shivers or sweating, nausea and purging, release of deep trauma and emotional blockages, spiritual insight or visions, intense dreams, euphoria and ecstatic joy, feelings of interconnection and universal understanding. You may experience any or all of these during the course of the ceremony, this is what makes sitting with a Shaman different and what makes ceremony different.

The medicine continues to work well after the ceremony itself, with short-term effects including, heightened awareness, intense clarity, general well-being, feelings of grounded presence, and a deeper connection with ourselves. In the long run, you will get release stuck emotion, lingering trauma and negative energy,  reboot your body's immune system and open the floodgates for overall  wellness to continue increasing over time.

Do I need to bring anything?

Just your beautiful self, a completed intake form and anything you feel you might need to make yourself comfortable. Drums, singing bowls, rattles, journals, ritual items etc. are all welcomed and encouraged. Hiking Boots if you wish to hike, and ear plugs to sleep in the cabin ( some people snore)

Meals ( glutton free and sugar free) and snacks are provided, as well as blankets, pillows, towels for bathing etc. However, we encourage participants to bring along anything they feel will make their journey easier (within reason).

How should I prepare?

For an optimal experience, it is best to begin preparing your mind, body, and spirit for a minimum of three days before your retreat. At the barest minimum consider:

  • Eat clean, living foods
  • Avoid heavy and processed foods
  • If possible avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine.
  • Set an intention for your experience, and dedicate a small amount of time each day to focus on that intention and begin tuning into your spirit.

Register now to secure your place!

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To schedule a private ceremony, host a private ceremony at your location, or request a private ceremony in your area, please contact Deb directly at:

About Debra Meehl

I believe that nothing happens by accident.  So when I was born into a family where my mother was an only child and I was an only child. I would discover why I was, “to walk alone” as a Native American Seer told me. My DNA confirms that half of my ancestors traveled on the Mayflower and half crossed the Barring Straight from Russia.  The only reason this matters is the confirmation of the dreams and visions I have always had.  It also helps those who need to tell me that I, “don’t look like a Shaman or Native American.”

When I met and married my husband – Mark – In 1999 , my life was changed in the blink of an eye.  He was diagnosed a year after we were married with Bipolar Disorder and PTSD.  I went from being a Paramedic trained in Psychological Emergencies to an Ordained Minister trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  Several years after, I would be trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and many years later as a Shaman.

Leading those willing to Soul retrieval, totem animals and the removal of dark energy (negative entities) was my where the God/Divine of my understanding has always called me.  For years I had no label for what I did.  How I “stood in the gap” for people and called in healing for them or how I could lead them to “find the missing pieces of their soul” that they had lost during trauma or fear.  At the time there was no manual, God/Goddess led me every step of the way. With few teachers I was dependent on tapping into Divine mind and living with “God is my source and supply”.   To say that my third eye is open and that I have Clair-cognition is an understatement, when I am dealing with my clients.

Allowing yourself to be a vessel for others healing is an honor, but not an easy path.  My unwillingness and attachment to the outcomes of situations has made it very difficult at times. There are life skills that can be taught to help with this, many are Zen-like principles that have been taught for thousands of years in the tribes that we no longer belong to.  These are the principles along with Soul level healing that change people’s lives, as they have changed mine.  There is no person or group of “elders” or tribe that can “confirm” your Shamanism no matter what others tell you.  The Spirit calls you to this way of life, and believe me when I tell you.   It is a way of life!


Micheal Meehl


Four years ago Micheal began the “hero’s decent” the “warriors Journey “to healing and transformation.  Alcohol was the first to go, followed by several years of celibacy.  He gave it all to the Goddess of his understanding and laid bare his heart and soul.  It took months of reading, Echeart tolle; Allen Watts, Sadgrure, for him to form a clear understanding of giving up his “wants” and “needs” and to release his pain and expectations to the  Devine.  He dug deep but was still angry…everyday…. until the death of his ego…some 3 years later.

It was only after a GOD dose of Mushroom followed by a GOD dose of LSD and a week of mico-dosing, that he woke  up to the most beautiful peace in his heart,  that has never left him. Love, Peace and Joy was all he felt. All he wanted was to feel “unconditional love” the Goddess provided that and more, with profound healing of his heart and mind.

Micheal had spent years partying with mushrooms and LSD, with well over 200 experience with both, but nothing had prepared him for this transformation.  He had read about it, meditated on it, and was on a quest for it, but never quite understood what was possible until it happened.

This, transformation is remarkable since he comes from a childhood filled with Trauma, Abuse and neglect.  Beatings, head injuries, ICU stays for illness and trauma were common place. Having multiple near death experience, in his childhood and adult life.   Neurodivergent, PSTD and Dylexia has been close companions to this warrior with a poets heart all his life.

Micheal comes with a life-time of skills and aptitudes for holding ceremony.  With his healing came a “frequency change” that allowed him to fully step into his god-given gifts, personal power and find his own path to help others.  He holds that frequency for the healing of all our clients, especially the men with PTSD and Trauma.  He understands “holding space” for our clients.  He is the divine masculine, which allows him to hold space for other men without needing his ego. This allows men to let go, be vulnerable, drop their shield and receive the healing that they need without judgement.

Micheál proclamation:

I am Micheal Anthony Meehl vessel of the Wonderer, embodiment of the Wise One.

He who sacrifices, ego, and Self for the Wisdom of the Well, Son of ValKyrie.

Guide to the Underworld. Consort of Hella. Warrior Poet. Passionate Lover of Life. Balancer, wielding the Blade of Death with Wisdom and Responsibility.

I am carrier of the Crown of Horn and the Cloak of Roots, carrying the Blessings of the Horned God to the Queen of all Magic.

I am nurturer and Shield to the Divine Feminine, Beloved Queen of the Forest and my Shaman

I am Protector, Keeper of the Old Ways, Watcher of Time and Space.

Micheal Meehl






The Meehl Foundation is a non-profit 501(c )(3). 100% of all sales and proceeds are applied to program funding and development. Mark & Debra Meehl receive NO compensation from tuition, purchases, or donations. These services provided are a labor of love.  The Meehl Foundation Retreat Center is a non-profit church as of 2023 in the State of Washington.


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