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Plant Medicine Retreat


Magic Mushrooms – this is the common name for mushrooms containing psychedelic compounds such as psilocybin and psilocin. Psilocybin is a natural and highly visionary compound which has a traditional shamanic use with a long history.


Psilocybin frees and enlightens the mind – and awakens the active state of the dream. The psychedelic mushrooms helps to see the wonders of life by the expansion of consciousness. For many years it has been considered a deep spiritual tool that helps to reveal one’s true nature.


Usually, when people hear about ceremonies, they immediately think of songs and dances with feathers. Whereas, the ceremony is a state of being – it is a state of experience, it’s a container that is opened and that is closed. And in that state of being there is an opportunity for encounters with that which rests on the other sides of our altered states.


Psilocybin ceremonies – and in general ceremonies with Magic mushrooms are used as a way of bettering one’s life. To explore the more uncomfortable aspects of oneself and to go into more difficult experiences.


plant medicine, plant medicine ceremony, shamanic healing, shamanic weekend retreats, psychedelic mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, magic mushroom, Shrooms,
plant medicine


The ceremony can give someone something to rest into – to allow more uncomfortable content to emerge with surrender and presence.


History of Psilocybin Ceremonies


For thousands of years, many cultures have used Psilocybin for shamanic practices and the first evidence comes from a cave painting in Algeria dating back to 5000 BC.


Central America is the most popular spot for psilocybin use by the native people dating back to pre-Columbian times. The mushrooms were used for healing and communion. Also, historians have discovered that the mushrooms were popular among Aztecs – which served as a means of communication with their gods and spirits.


Preparation & Shamanic Ceremony with Visions


The preparation of Psilocybin is considered the simplest among other magic mushrooms. However, there are poisonous mushrooms that look very similar to these, so one needs to be very careful.


Traditionally, Aztecs consumed these mushrooms at night – which caused visions and stimulated sensuousness. It is said, that they used to eat them with honey and as soon as the components started to work, they started to sing, dance and some were even meditating. They had different visions, some had visions of themselves dying, others saw that they were wealthy and possessed many slaves. Some had visions of themselves being guilty of robbery. When the effect of the mushrooms had reduced, they began to discuss their visions with others.


Nowadays, the weekend Shamanic Retreat ceremony lasts the entire night, accompanied by the chants of the shaman.


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Kambo Treatment


Mental & Physical Effects


About an hour after the consumption, tactile senses and visions may appear. According to users, the mushrooms give euphoric sensations and emotional as well as mental clarity. Sometimes the mushrooms may have physical effects as well, such as pupil dilation, headache, nausea, and increased heart rate.  Overall, the process lasts about 6  hours.  Mushrooms are the safest entheogen to take as currently there are not reports of death and no one have ever “gone crazy”  I like those odds. 


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Shamanic healing, Shamanic weekend retreats, Kambo, Kambo Treatment, Kambo Ceremony, Plant medicine, plant medicine ceremony
Shamanic Healing