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plant medicine for anxiety

Do you
live from day to day with an irrational fear of the unknown? Do you have sudden
panic attacks because things are not going your way? Have you been struggling
with an anxiety disorder and are looking for a way out after countless therapy
sessions that you could trace your way to your psychologist’s office with your
eyes closed?

Your not alone. In my career as a shaman, I have met
many people who were in the same boat as you and know how hard it has

If you
will like to know the answer to permanent freedom from anxiety whether mild or
severe and wave your therapist the last goodbye as you step into life with
newfound meaning, read on.

is a Healthy Emotion; In Excess, it isn’t

We live
in a consciousness of self, here and now, and don’t know what will come next.
We hope it will be good but know it can also be bad. The hope for the positive
is what has driven man in all of his activities since the beginning of time.

the fear of the unknown; of what comes next, is just as powerful.

The human
is anxious. We know we can work hard to try and make things better but are also
aware of our vulnerability to error and danger.

is a healthy emotion every human is born with that serves as a natural defense
mechanism against potentially harmful events or scenarios.

When in
excess, however, it is considered a mental disorder. It is now considered a
worldwide epidemic with 1 in every 13 people diagnosed as patients according to
the World Health Organization.

We get
anxious when we are seeking for a job; when crossing a highway; when we are low
on cash; when we face trauma; when work gets so stressful; when we have
deadlines to meet; when we have public speakings, and generally when things
don’t go our way.

plant medicine, plant medicine ceremony, shamanic healing, shamanic weekend retreats, psychedelic mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, magic mushroom, Shrooms,


plant medicine

Psilocybin Mushrooms Ceremony

The use
of psilocybin-containing mushrooms also known as magic mushrooms has been long
traced to historic healing rituals of the ancient Celts. They were however
banned in the late 1960s as criticisms were made against them.

are finally regaining popular interest and many experts believe they hold the
key to treating mental illnesses such as anxiety disorder, addiction, and

The call
to once again legalize the use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms (also called
the psilocybin ceremony), has never been louder.

Psilocybin for Anxiety

Shamanic healing using psilocybin mushrooms is an art that has stood the test of time, modern belief, and culture.

wonders hold the key to the open-mindedness and surrender needed to trigger the
healing process from anxiety. We are so engrossed in the ‘what will be?’ and
have lost touch with our present selves. We are failing to see that our existence
is a gift and ‘the now’ should be cherished.

The psilocybin ceremony enables us to let go of the ‘bad outcome’ mind-set to embrace ‘all that can be’; an awakening to a mind full of peace and free from worry. The mind possesses an infinite potential to heal itself and the psilocybin mushrooms unlock this potential.

The How

The psilocybin ceremony seeks to enlighten the mind and take it to a transcended level of perception.

Sakuda, a terminally ill patient gave this narrative of her psilocybin
experience in the New York Times before she died:

I could feel the negative emotions in me start to gather until it became a dense mass… it felt alive. I broke into tears as I felt everything within me become concentrated, then start to fade away… I was suddenly made to realize that this anxiety, this irrational fear of death was standing in the way of my living the little time I had left to the fullest.

Kambo, Kambo treatment, kambo treatments, Kambo ceremony, Kambo ceremonies, Kambo Houston, Kambo Texas, Plant medicine, Shamanic healing, shamanic weekend retreats


Kambo Treatment

Psilocybin for Living Fully

ceremony is nature’s struggle to correct the anxious mind by forcing it to face
its fears. Like a mother, she wants to assure and comfort you that tomorrow is
going to be just fine.

Geier, a writer whose work has featured in many posts of top-notch news
agencies gives another narrative of her psilocybin mushroom experience. She had
been a victim of anxiety disorder and accompanying depression for years.
According to her, therapy helped and she usually felt better after sessions,
but her relief was only temporary.

needed more…

She tried
out the psilocybin mushroom ceremony and documented her healing process in

initially felt relaxation of her body and subtle changes in her sense of taste.
From there on, she remarkably recorded that her mind was taken straight away to
the source of her anxiety which triggered an attack.

After a
while, she noticed she was able to let go of her fears as each came to mind.
The negative emotions no longer found a place to reside as the host was
rejecting them.

Still, a
little while later, she suddenly felt the urge to engage in a positive activity
and started working out. She was surprised at this as she never liked working

She moved
from there and completed the rest of her ceremony in stages, and that
experience alone maintained her for months in a state of heightened eagerness
to be productive.

on becoming sober she couldn’t recall exactly when she jotted down the

Her last
note was:

‘‘This is
the real me I lost years ago’’

enlightenment the psilocybin experience brings was the main effect the ancient
druids sought after.

With it
comes a simplification of the thought process. You suddenly feel the need to
enjoy life as it unfolds with childlike innocence. The boundaries of the adult
ego and the need to behave in a certain ‘socially mature’ way suddenly

participants suddenly feel an overwhelming joy during the experience and laugh
at even the slightest of things. From a chirping bird on a tree to water
flowing, from air flowing over your face to the deep rumbles of the earth,
there is a sudden connection with nature purifying force and they can feel the
pure, untainted love of correction.

Microdosing vs. Ceremony Dose

micro-dosing, you spread the dosage into different stages over about a month
and taking about a tenth of the normal dosage for a complete trip at a time.
There are little to no hallucinogenic/visual effects and it helps lighten
mood gradually over time.

Full ceremony dose involves much larger dosages than micro-trips and will cause visual perceptions to change and you will feel deeply connected to the love of the universe. You will experience dramatic events; happy or scary, but will all lead you to a place of deep enlightenment and renewal of your sense of purpose.

It is ideal to seek the help of a guide, therapist or shaman before you try a full trip as a first-timer, as the experience can be overwhelming. The Shaman should guide the ceremony and experience acting as a gatekeeper and vessel to the the healing powers of the Universe. The Shaman does not heal, just calls on those powers to be available.

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Shamanic Healing