Both mushrooms and ayahuasca have been garnering a lot more attention, but what do these substances accomplish? As more women become interested in both psilocybin and ayahuasca, it is important to break down these experiences a little bit to see which one is right for you.
Many women have been turning more and more towards psilocybin mushrooms for a variety of reasons. They are easier to take and the physical reactions are limited – less purging and vomiting, and more of an actual consciousness experience. The trip with psilocybin mushrooms involves a sense of enlightenment, releasing the ego, and understanding the way you relate to the world. All of these are important elements that go into the experience. It is a safe, natural way to experience the world around you, and explore yourself and your own ego and consciousness as well.
Ayahuasca can provide a similar experience, but there are some caveats. For one, it cannot be taken if you are on any kind of SSRI, which many are. It is geographically limited to South America, which makes it difficult to access and have a meaningful experience. Although the experience can also be very much into the consciousness and enlightenment, there is purging involved (so vomiting is a likelihood). Plus, it does not have the variety that psilocybin mushrooms have. There are currently 200 different kinds across the globe. And female shamans have used mushrooms for thousands of years, reinforcing its abilities to provide a safe trip that gives you a sense of meaning and purpose.

And the use of mushrooms does not need to be a large dose for it to be effective. For example, a growing trend of “microdosing” has helped introduce mushrooms to women, and give them a small gateway into understanding what it can accomplish. Even a small dose can boost productivity, improve interpersonal relationships, and provide a sense of focus and purpose. A study following participants who microdose found that while the improvement was not dramatic, there were lowered levels of stress and depression reported after a dose of mushrooms.
While ayahuasca has its benefits, the experience that mushrooms provide is significantly different. While no studies have been done to evaluate the long-term effects of ayahuasca either physically or psychologically, there have been for mushrooms. Studies consistently show that mushrooms are able to reduce stress, to improve lives and give people a sense of meaning and purpose that continues long after the actual trip. In fact, new resorts and getaways, as well as Shamanic Weekend Retreats are opening up solely for women who want to experience this in a safe environment. As mushrooms gain more popularity, more women are embracing its benefits and its ability to open up new experiences. Shamanic Healing may be in answer.

More and more women are opening up about their experiences on mushrooms, and what it can help accomplish. For example, many women are using mushrooms to alleviate tension and anxiety, and as an aid to help them become more assertive. Within a few hours of taking the first dose, some women have reported feeling more comfortable in their own skin, more open to “connecting” with others, and generally being less anxious and stressed. Although hallucinations and trips are one part of the mushrooms’ experience, they are only a fraction of what can be accomplished. Trying different dosages, especially initially can help you understand what the effects are you on individually, and help you hit a sweet spot of what works for you. Higher dosages bring about a deeper, spiritual type experiences which can also be incredibly valuable.

Mushrooms are also being used as a therapeutic experience that can help combat addictive tendencies and other mental and physical disorders. For example, studies have found that psilocybin can be effective in smoking cessation, depression, and anxiety in chronic and long-term illnesses. Typical sessions can last anywhere between 4 to 6 hours. And while that may not seem as long (for example, LSD can range up to 12 hours as a comparison) it is effective. These clinical studies have also taken life experiences into consideration when reporting these effects, so there is a holistic oversight.
Before participants go through the experiment, they are asked about their current mental and life state. This helps establish a baseline and for researchers to be able to accurately measure the improvements in mental and physical condition after. With mushrooms, the results consistently show strong results that there is an improvement. And as stated before, it is not just about the current moment and trip, but what happens after. Participants consistently report more positive feelings about themselves and their interpersonal relationships long after the actual trip is over. This demonstrates the far-reaching power mushrooms have when it comes to effective behavior change that helps improve lives.
Ultimately, both experiences have value for individuals. They can open a gateway to a new experience, a new way of being, and a mind that is open and ready to accept what’s next. Before embarking on this journey though, it is highly encouraged to do research. Both ayahuasca and mushrooms provide a different kind of experience, so it is important to identify which one is right for your particular need. Mushrooms can be a safe, natural way to bring about a different, more connected experience that helps you attain a higher level of consciousness and understanding – both about you and the world around you. That feeling of spiritual enlightenment and connectedness cannot be replicated through other means, and that is what makes this experience so special.
As more medical and clinical studies are released about their effects, they can help you understand the different effects and how this experience might be for you. If you are unsure, think about starting with different, smaller dosages and work you’re up to understand what your tolerance is. While for some, a micro-dose is able to effectively combat issues, others like a higher a dosage to have deeper experiences. There is no right or wrong way to approach dosage initially, but it is about your comfort and openness to a different experience.

[…] than that, your perception on psilocybin mushrooms significantly changes. You may experience visions of patterns or archetypal images which will […]