“Occasionally the Universe gives you an opportunity to travel a path you might not have seen. This path for me was the Shamanic Sisterhood Retreat in Brazoria, TX. I am so glad I listened. (Thank you, Universe!) I experienced one of the most amazing events of my 64 years on this earth plane.
The Meehl Foundation Spiritual Retreat Center is a beautiful place. Magnificent grounds, safe, secure with plenty of sleeping accommodations, rest room facilities, covered patio and even a labyrinth. I had the opportunity to meet and bond with the most incredible like-minded women. We shared our stories, our beliefs, our knowledge, our spiritual modalities, and even our music. Our discussions covered a cornucopia of personal interest expertise.
Debra Meehl and her family provided such an amazing event and met all the needs of those who attended. We dined together…every meal served by an amazing cook!
I departed with a new appreciation for all the feminine wisdom shared. My journey as a healer will now be enlightened by all the love and knowledge I gained from this retreat. I may have entered as a stranger, but, I left with a whole new “tribe” of Shamanic Sisters.
Thank you Universe and Debra Meehl!” ~Marilyn Dunlap (2018)

“As an individual in recovery from eating disorders I have struggled with eating disorders for the last 14 years. It was not until I decided that I wanted a new life and then four months into my recovery process came across Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) that increasingly significant changes began to happen for me. The Meehl Foundation residential DBT treatment program has provided me with an unlimited wealth of knowledge educationally, personally, and professionally. The skills of core mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness have impacted my own life in so many positive and uplifting ways. In the arena of mental health and eating disorders, I have propelled my life from suffering, misery, and low self-esteem to that of a life worth living filled with success, happiness, and self-love.”

“I have suffered from bipolar II disorder for some 15+ years now. I have been through countless hospitalizations, medications, residential treatments, intensive outpatient services, individual therapy and more. It wasn’t until I joined a DBT group, and then worked that in to my individual therapy sessions as well, that I began to see a difference in my mood regulation. I was more in control. Having also an eating disorder, suicidal thoughts and struggling with self-harm, DBT was so useful with its mindfulness techniques and other coping skills that it taught me along the way. I credit it to one of the reasons I’m still alive today.”

“My first month at Meehl was great. I loved everything about it. Danielle, the DBT Skills Trainer did an excellent job, Mark was always helpful and Debra provided an even atmosphere. My second month didn’t go as well. In fact, it was one of the worst months of my life. For the first time in my life I truly felt suicidal. When asked for comfort I was told to use my DBT skills.
I felt this was unfair. At all the previous treatment centers I’d been at there was always a knight in white shining armor to rescue me when I felt out of control. I’m a person who is used to being in charge and getting what I want when I want it. I want to please people and I expect them to please and comfort me back. In the past there’s always been someone to rescue me. I’d never learned self-care or self-compassion. I’d always depended upon others to meet my needs.
I’m 59 and raised five children and am now just learning one of the most important skills of all – to depend upon myself to solve my problems. The Meehl Foundation is the first place that taught me the most important lesson of my life. I am deeply indebted to the Meehls for all they have done for me. They have taught me, more than any other treatment center, what is really important for me to learn to move forward in life.” D.T. (2016)

“When I first came to the Meehl foundation I struggled with PTSD BPD and suicidal thoughts… Close to sixty I have been working on DBT skills with the professionals. I have learned and finished a couple different work books and have really seen how my life has changed. This journey was tough and hard but worth it. I have also come to know who walks beside me even better than I did before. This is a great place where I felt comfortable and able to work through many different trials in my life and get on the right meds that make me feel even better.” ~M. (2016)

“I wanted to thank you for your donation to allow me to participate in this program which would have been out of my reach. Without this opportunity I would not be the person I am now. I would be in jail, worse or in the bottom of a bottle. I have been in this program for about 7 months. I served in the military and had terrible PTSD. This program has helped me get back on track, and to learn to do thing for myself and not just wait around for things to magically happen. Before I came I was on probation for assault and hanging around people that I knew I should not have been. I was not able to let things or people go, now I can step back and really think about what I want to do and how I want the results to turn out. I am not aimlessly trying to find what do not exist. Being in the military was great but getting out left me stuck in the past, and coming back left me without direction or purpose and I was angry with people because of the way I thought about them, and thought they should treat me differently. Coming here changed my thinking about that and about them. I now practice DBT therapy and it has changed my life. I have many more months to go here and I am grateful for the opportunity that you have allowed me. This is something that most men my age(27) can only dream of. This program has allowed me to stop playing the victim and understand that every choice I make is exactly that, a choice I made.” B.K. (2015)

“With the skills I have learned and my faith in Christ I don’t carry the burdens I once did. For the first time in 23 years I can live a happy and full life.”

“I stayed at the Meehl Foundation for 4 months. In those 4 months, I learned more about myself than I have in my previous 26 years of living. I was excited to strip away the parts of myself that weren’t actually me, and dig deep to find out who I really am. I learned a new way of living, using the skills they taught me rather than the self-destructive coping mechanisms I relied on before.
Deb is wise, insightful, and straightforward. She cuts through the nonsense and gets straight to the core of you and the problem. the brains scans offered by the Amen Clinic were eye-opening and empowering, and the doctors are incredible. Danie’le is hands down the best counselor I’ve ever encountered. She’s kind, empathetic, compassionate, and optimistic. She and Deb truly care and want the best for their clients. Kristin is smart, and a joy to be around. The individual counselor here, is very helpful and forthright. And while I didn’t do much work with Ray, his visits were always nice, and he is a great hypnotherapist. Mark has a way of making everyone smile and laugh. And together they all make a wonderful, hardworking team that became more like family than I could ever have expected from a treatment program.” ~K.H. (2017)

“All I knew when I decided to come to the Meehl Foundation was that I was tired of being depressed and I was looking for someone to save me. Little did I know, I would instead be empowered to save myself. There were several things that really made a difference for me that years of therapy and medication alone didn’t.
My interactions with Deb were invaluable in that she is full of wisdom and loved me too much to let me hold on to the limiting beliefs that were keeping me comfortable. She tells it like it is and she’s down to earth, representing the authenticity that she teaches. Mark is a constant inspiration as he lives and thrives with his own mental illness while keeping everyone laughing. His serious side has helped me to find my best qualities along with a career that shares them. In group, Danie’le knew just how to ask questions I was too afraid to ask myself while remaining an empathetic ear to my heartache. Kristin was so good at meeting me right where I was, down to sitting on the floor next to me while I was panicking, helping me to rationalize through my fears.
The house was gorgeous and comfortable and the food was delicious enough to allow me to continue being able to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Being able to learn and implement the DBT skills has given me the confidence to take my life back. But what truly makes this place remarkable is the love of the support system. These people have been through hell themselves and are ready and willing to help pull you out of yours.” ~A.H. (2017)
“As an individual in recovery from eating disorders I have struggled with eating disorders for the last 14 years. It was not until I decided that I wanted a new life and then four months into my recovery process came across Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) that increasingly significant changes began to happen for me. The Meehl Foundation residential DBT treatment program has provided me with an unlimited wealth of knowledge educationally, personally, and professionally. The skills of core mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness have impacted my own life in so many positive and uplifting ways. In the arena of mental health and eating disorders, I have propelled my life from suffering, misery, and low self-esteem to that of a life worth living filled with success, happiness, and self-love.”

“As an individual in recovery from eating disorders I have struggled with eating disorders for the last 14 years. It was not until I decided that I wanted a new life and then four months into my recovery process came across Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) that increasingly significant changes began to happen for me. The Meehl Foundation residential DBT treatment program has provided me with an unlimited wealth of knowledge educationally, personally, and professionally. The skills of core mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness have impacted my own life in so many positive and uplifting ways. In the arena of mental health and eating disorders, I have propelled my life from suffering, misery, and low self-esteem to that of a life worth living filled with success, happiness, and self-love.”

“I have suffered from bipolar II disorder for some 15+ years now. I have been through countless hospitalizations, medications, residential treatments, intensive outpatient services, individual therapy and more. It wasn’t until I joined a DBT group, and then worked that in to my individual therapy sessions as well, that I began to see a difference in my mood regulation. I was more in control. Having also an eating disorder, suicidal thoughts and struggling with self-harm, DBT was so useful with its mindfulness techniques and other coping skills that it taught me along the way. I credit it to one of the reasons I’m still alive today.”

“My first month at Meehl was great. I loved everything about it. Danielle, the DBT Skills Trainer did an excellent job, Mark was always helpful and Debra provided an even atmosphere. My second month didn’t go as well. In fact, it was one of the worst months of my life. For the first time in my life I truly felt suicidal. When asked for comfort I was told to use my DBT skills.
I felt this was unfair. At all the previous treatment centers I’d been at there was always a knight in white shining armor to rescue me when I felt out of control. I’m a person who is used to being in charge and getting what I want when I want it. I want to please people and I expect them to please and comfort me back. In the past there’s always been someone to rescue me. I’d never learned self-care or self-compassion. I’d always depended upon others to meet my needs.
I’m 59 and raised five children and am now just learning one of the most important skills of all – to depend upon myself to solve my problems. The Meehl Foundation is the first place that taught me the most important lesson of my life. I am deeply indebted to the Meehls for all they have done for me. They have taught me, more than any other treatment center, what is really important for me to learn to move forward in life.” D.T. (2016)

“When I first came to the Meehl foundation I struggled with PTSD BPD and suicidal thoughts… Close to sixty I have been working on DBT skills with the professionals. I have learned and finished a couple different work books and have really seen how my life has changed. This journey was tough and hard but worth it. I have also come to know who walks beside me even better than I did before. This is a great place where I felt comfortable and able to work through many different trials in my life and get on the right meds that make me feel even better.” ~M. (2016)

“I wanted to thank you for your donation to allow me to participate in this program which would have been out of my reach. Without this opportunity I would not be the person I am now. I would be in jail, worse or in the bottom of a bottle. I have been in this program for about 7 months. I served in the military and had terrible PTSD. This program has helped me get back on track, and to learn to do thing for myself and not just wait around for things to magically happen. Before I came I was on probation for assault and hanging around people that I knew I should not have been. I was not able to let things or people go, now I can step back and really think about what I want to do and how I want the results to turn out. I am not aimlessly trying to find what do not exist. Being in the military was great but getting out left me stuck in the past, and coming back left me without direction or purpose and I was angry with people because of the way I thought about them, and thought they should treat me differently. Coming here changed my thinking about that and about them. I now practice DBT therapy and it has changed my life. I have many more months to go here and I am grateful for the opportunity that you have allowed me. This is something that most men my age(27) can only dream of. This program has allowed me to stop playing the victim and understand that every choice I make is exactly that, a choice I made.” B.K. (2015)

“With the skills I have learned and my faith in Christ I don’t carry the burdens I once did. For the first time in 23 years I can live a happy and full life.”

“I stayed at the Meehl Foundation for 4 months. In those 4 months, I learned more about myself than I have in my previous 26 years of living. I was excited to strip away the parts of myself that weren’t actually me, and dig deep to find out who I really am. I learned a new way of living, using the skills they taught me rather than the self-destructive coping mechanisms I relied on before.
Deb is wise, insightful, and straightforward. She cuts through the nonsense and gets straight to the core of you and the problem. the brains scans offered by the Amen Clinic were eye-opening and empowering, and the doctors are incredible. Danie’le is hands down the best counselor I’ve ever encountered. She’s kind, empathetic, compassionate, and optimistic. She and Deb truly care and want the best for their clients. Kristin is smart, and a joy to be around. The individual counselor here, is very helpful and forthright. And while I didn’t do much work with Ray, his visits were always nice, and he is a great hypnotherapist. Mark has a way of making everyone smile and laugh. And together they all make a wonderful, hardworking team that became more like family than I could ever have expected from a treatment program.” ~K.H. (2017)

“All I knew when I decided to come to the Meehl Foundation was that I was tired of being depressed and I was looking for someone to save me. Little did I know, I would instead be empowered to save myself. There were several things that really made a difference for me that years of therapy and medication alone didn’t.
My interactions with Deb were invaluable in that she is full of wisdom and loved me too much to let me hold on to the limiting beliefs that were keeping me comfortable. She tells it like it is and she’s down to earth, representing the authenticity that she teaches. Mark is a constant inspiration as he lives and thrives with his own mental illness while keeping everyone laughing. His serious side has helped me to find my best qualities along with a career that shares them. In group, Danie’le knew just how to ask questions I was too afraid to ask myself while remaining an empathetic ear to my heartache. Kristin was so good at meeting me right where I was, down to sitting on the floor next to me while I was panicking, helping me to rationalize through my fears.
The house was gorgeous and comfortable and the food was delicious enough to allow me to continue being able to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Being able to learn and implement the DBT skills has given me the confidence to take my life back. But what truly makes this place remarkable is the love of the support system. These people have been through hell themselves and are ready and willing to help pull you out of yours.” ~A.H. (2017)