The benefits of meditation are well-known, allowing those practicing the technique to gain greater self-awareness, acceptance, and enhanced health and well-being. Shamanic meditation provides all these benefits, but it’s a practice which uses connections to the spiritual world to make empowering, meaningful changes to our lives.
What Is Shamanic Meditation & Its Benefits?
Meditation is something we’re each capable of doing, even if you’re a beginner. It requires an open mind, and for the shamanic form of meditation, some expert guidance or group sessions (e.g., drumming circles) can be particularly beneficial. This will help you learn about various helpful practices such as shamanic initiation techniques and shamanic healing rituals.
Where the shamanic journey differs from normal meditation, those practicing enter an altered state of consciousness (a shamanic dream-like state) to create a strong personal connection with spiritual realms. By forming such a deep communication with your spirit guides, it’s possible to embark on a journey of both discovery and healing. Use energies around you to restore balance where it’s required in your mind, body, and soul while gaining knowledge and insight into your true self, will empower you to embark on the changes you need to make.
What Can You Discover on Your Shamanic Journey?
The shamanic form of meditation aims to help the practitioner connect with spirit guides with the purpose of living more openly while seeking fulfillment in areas which had previously been occupied or controlled by other aspects such as negative thoughts, this is the core of Shamanism. It acknowledges and addresses the ‘whole self’ and where suffering and concerns need healing. It’s not about gaining a new power – but uncovering the confidence and resilience that you already have.
- Unblock whatever is stopping you from reaching your true potential.
- Discover knowledge which is currently hidden from your awareness.
- Experience a joyful transformation and share that happiness with others.
- Love the real, authentic you and what you can achieve.
- Find new inspiration, direction, and vision for your life.
- Gain the inner strength and wisdom to resolve inner conflicts.
- Enjoy the journeying process and meet other like-hearted people.
For those interested in exploring the shamanic experience, a spiritual retreat can be the perfect place to start. Even if looking for shamanic healing NYC treatments, it can be beneficial to lay the foundations of your shamanic studies in a relaxed setting away from your normal day to day routine.
Our series of three shamanic retreats offer rewarding experiences set in casual luxury. We look at the ancient rituals of different shamanic practices and how these can be applied to your everyday lives. We provide a ‘Joyful Transformation retreat’ which confronts the unhelpful thoughts and feelings which are holding you back and a Plant Medicine Retreat’ for uncovering the ancient healing embedded in the wheel. We also host all-female sessions, and our ‘Shamanic Sisterhood retreat’ is popular for bringing together authentic, like-minded women to go on an empowering journey into feminine spirituality.
All of our retreats look at meditative practices and how they can benefit you.
Spiritual Retreat Centers
If you’d like to explore shamanic meditation and what it can do for you, take a look at our retreat information pages and book your place now.

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