shaman woman


For a long time, women have permanently been excluded in male-dominated environments. Spiritual healing and divine calling were a prerogative of the male species because women were considered a fragile and spiritually weak constituency. From suffrage to feminism and the rise of other social movements, women have been at the forefront of championing inclusion in all aspects of life, spiritual healing notwithstanding. The call for women to only treat women, in ceremony rejects gods/goddess universal plan and inclusiveness. It creates unnecessary separateness and division. This is why, Women shamans are equally for men.


Today, powerful shamanic women hold space for men. Women are coming in strong in spiritual matters, and their contribution toward the search for enlightenment and wellbeing cannot go unnoticed. The nurturing, empathic, and emotional strengths characteristic of womenfolk continue to be material for wellness and mindful practices. The role of women in shamanic healing has clearly enhanced shamanic healing in society and allowed for a greater awareness of gods/goddess plan for all of us and a greater growth in Devine and religious practices in contrast to traditional religious practice.


Female Shamans and Mystical Experiences


Shamans use the wisdom of the elders from different traditions and practices, and female shamans inject nuance which customizes individual experiences. Mikolajczak and Pietrzak (2014;387) have found a direct association between religion and patriarchal attitudes. Most religions try to maintain a status quo that supports patriarchal gender roles. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Buddhism, the four major faiths, are labored with texts that assign God’s gender as male. The interpretation of the scriptures has always been from a male perspective. For example, in Buddhist practices, the ordination of the clergy bears a patriarchal signature.


With the idea of “headship” in religious outfits, male leaders tend to fit the profile for the position. Most ancient religions believed that women were created or designed to be followers, custodians of the home front, and spiritual matters were a man’s jurisdiction.


Times have changed, and so have religious beliefs. Women are occupying sacred spaces bringing fresh perspectives to spirituality. Shamanic ceremonies are not about flowers and rainbows but deep spiritual intercessions and scientific understanding. Female shamans continue to explore psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practices to deliver top-notch healing experiences. The compassion attribute that is resonant with women allows female shamans to influence mindfulness practices in combination with scientific data on the functioning of the brain.


According to women’s Health Matters, trauma is a woman’s social problem. For example, 14-20 percent of women will be raped at least once in their lifetime, and 25-28 percent will experience intimate partner violence. Women suffer more sexual abuse while men experience more physical abuse, reinforcing that female trauma healing is a woman’s jurisdiction. However, trauma is indiscriminate, and women shouldn’t be the only ones seeking serenity and better wellbeing. 


As women are at a higher risk for gender assault than men, stigmatization, and victimization reinforce societal inequality. Victims of violence feel vulnerable, helpless, and lose a sense of trust, therefore changing their psychological views and way of life. Trauma is broad, and because it encompasses both genders, female shamans are not limited to the service of female victims only. Shamanic centers provide a sense of community that allows all members to embrace their healing powers regardless of gender.


Divine Healing Beyond the Masculine/Feminine Dynamic


Holistic healer Rachel Rossitto believes that micromanaging femininity to avoid overstepping bounds is a direct route to distract healing and spiritual awakening. The balance between masculine and feminine energies brings steadiness to mystical practices whose experiences are unique and sacred. The concept of femininity and masculinity is not an either-or discourse because the dynamics exist in all things- the yin and yang. The masculine energy is scared in its desire to protect, focus, and dedication to presence, while the feminine energy thrives in its sacred power that is nurturing, intuitive, and soft. The combination of these two energies provides a controlled environment for holistic healing.


The divine presence manifests in a harmonious world, and when people understand and embrace the full range of their being can harness the power to experience joy and pleasure. Shamanic healing cultivates the idea of developing intuitive practices that engage the wisdom of the spirit and nature. People visit shamans to establish ways of accessing the highest sense of self, and while expecting the universe to be revealed to them, they reveal themselves to the universe. 


Meditative practices and deep breathing exercises help to harness the feminine and masculine energy, thereby creating an equitable balance to cultivate sacred spaces for mystical experiences. Contemplative practices purify the soul and cleanse the body and mind, detangling the individual from negative experiences, revealing their true essence.


For example, individuals suffering from anxiety can learn to marshal the energy and mental strength that will empty their thoughts and balance their emotions. Shamanism reveals to people the harmless nature of self-defeating thoughts and teaches them how to rewire the functioning of the mind. Shamans have an arsenal of medication such as psilocybin that is critical in calming a frantic and erratic mind. Psilocybin is known for its therapeutic benefits for depression: anxiety, addiction, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Female shamans use psychedelics to induce contemplative practices and Non-ordinary States of Consciousness (NOSC).


Healing Ceremonies by shamanic Priestesses


Mystic healing is devoid of gender superiority. Female shamans carry the touch for spiritual healing as much as their male counterparts because they, too, bear the scars of war. Women continue to break glass ceilings in philosophy, science, and spirituality, making them equally capable of transcending healing barriers.


The feeling that women hold space for women only and cannot handle men in healing because they do not understand PTSD is hogwash and fallacious. Priestesses understand the emotional disturbances that result from long-term psychological trauma, betrayal, and hopelessness. These feelings are not unique to a specific gender, and their vast levels of training and experience allow them to heal people of all ages, gender, nationality, sexuality, and denomination.


The thought of women having the capacity and power to resonate with only a female’s traumatic experience propagates the oppressive patriarchal narratives. Statements that describe priestesses ’ healing power as limited to women mean that traumatized men require superior help that women shamans cannot provide. Gender conversations around spiritual healing are difficult and unpalatable but necessary.


The quantum leap in spiritual healing has revolutionized mystical practices, and female shamans are as competent as they can get. Female shamans in retreat centers have mastered soul retrieval rituals that cater to individual spiritual needs and medication that fosters a walk back to nature. The world needs a little bit of Kambo, a healing regime that unifies people with their natural equilibrium, mitigates negative energy, and balances emotions.


Female shamans use the healing properties of plants to detoxify, restore the soul, and heal the body to incorporate “a shaman’s wisdom” and “warrior courage.” The healing nature of plants is objective and therefore applicable to both women and men.


A shamanic session’s success depends on an individual’s ability to open themselves up for healing and restoration.  


In summary


Female shamans assist both men and women attain spiritual healing and access mystical experiences because they are equally capable and excellent at what they do. Shamanic retreat centers are inclusive, and men will unequivocally encounter lasting spiritual relationships and life-changing healing experiences.


Depression, PTSD, drug abuse, and anxiety are disorders that shamans treat, and priestesses are highly resourceful in restoring health and inducing spiritual introspection. There is no denying that female shamans can hold space for men, and statements that deny priestesses due credit for their competence should be taken with a grain of salt.


Seek the help of a shaman to heal your life emotionally, physically and spiritually.

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